A few days, all the news channels were airing a statement from a Spokesman of the Bahujan Samaj Party (Read, the Mayawati party). The Spokesman was commenting upon some press conference the always-in-the-headline-for-the-wrong-reasons politician, Amar Singh had made a day before about the-cleanest-character-on-earth politician Ms. Mayawati.
Mr. Amar Singh, was informing the press about a sting-operation (these seem to be the hottest thing today, hotter than the A-Certified movies) that was done on the UP Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati, where she was shown calling herself, "The daughter of money" and saying that she lives for money. The fact of the matter is that nobody has yet seen this sting-operation video. Nevertheless, Mr.Amar Singh, himself has nothing to do the whole day, hence he thought he would engage some reporters who also had nothing to do for the entire day. A few specific parts of this conference was being aired repeatedly (one would be made to assume that the tape was stuck at that point), on all so-called News Channels.

Suddenly the Spokesman appeared and our reporters knew that they have a scoop. They rushed to him and like all other cultured ministers and politicians, this spokesman read out his party's statement. If you hear the statement, you would wonder if it is being made for a politician who is called respectable by a few section in politics and by a spokesman from a respectable party - as BSP is called. The statement is question said, "It seems Mr.Amar Singh has lost his mental balance and in not in his senses. Our party would say that the right place for Mr.Amar Singh is the mental asylum and we recommend that he get himself treated from a good psychologist."
Are you now wondering why we call it, "Dirty Politics".
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