After more than 60 hours of terror in Mumbai and a death toll exceeding 200 and more than 250 injured, it is now time for politicizing the issue.
Our politicians are back to their normal games. The first of this was the L.K.Advani, Manmohan Singh split visits to Mumbai each quoting different reasons, then Narendra Modi with his compensation and now the resignations of Home Minister-Shivraj Patil and Maharashtra Dy.CM - R.R.Patil and the Maharashtra C.M.'s offer to resign.
Isn't that brilliant politics? Shivraj Patil took the blame on him and resigned. So will this solve the purpose? Will the people who are dead come back? Or, will the Home minister hang himself for what has happened? If he thinks he is to blame himself for the incident, it means that he is agreeing to the fact that there was laxity in security and that he knew about it. In that case shouldn't he be tried and punished for the incident under section related to homicide. The same should be applicable to the Dy.CM and the CM of Maharashtra. The Dy.CM Mr. R.R.Patil a couple of days back went on to say that the Mumbai incident was a minor incident. Is it because none of his kins died in the incident. The two of these should be hanged in public to whatever they have let happen in Mumbai for the past few months including the bloodbath and acts of the coward Raj Thackeray.

But the objective behind all this is something else. What these political parties are trying to show is that they are really touched by the incident and feel that they are the reason for whatever has happened. This would in turn stimulate a public sentiment, which would in turn mean that they don't loose out too much on the already lost votes, in the Lok Sabha elections that are to come. What a ploy!
Hail politicians in India!
Mr.Politicians, Stop politicizing the incident and stop this resignation drama. Instead take some stern steps on whatever evidence has been gathered reather than issuing useless threats to the neighbors. Implement things that would ensure that no Tom,Dick and Harry can enter our country and keep our security forces at bay for more than 60 hrs.
ACT Minister and politicians!ACT!
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