If you ask even a kid today as to what is the height of idiocy, he would point to a politician addressing a press in the television. I wonder if sell their brains also in order to make some extra money because that is the kind of impression that they give most of the times.

Take, for example the case of our honorable Minority Affairs minister, A.R.Antulay. For no rhyme or, reason, he went on to state that the death of ATS chief Hemant Karkare, the martyr at the Mumbai terror attacks, should be investigated to find if he had fallen prey to a setup. He went on to question the reason behind Mr. Karkare going to Cama hospital and also hinted that even some of the top officials in the department could be involved. Doesn't it seem that the minority affairs minister is minority in brains.
As soon as these foolish politicians have figured out that everything is back to normalcy and people are slowing forgetting the incident, they have started coming out with such follish remarks, questioning the intergrity of the ones who were at the forefront in protecting us. Where were these idiots when the terrorists were holding the public at ransom.
Mr. Antulay, it is time to rest. Please let the ables ones rule the affairs of the country.
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