It was 'Barack Obama' all night long in India on the 4th of November. People were awake and were in front of their television sets listening to the news - wondering as to who is going to win the elections in the United States of America.
One would wonder at the thought of how much the US influences every other country in the world. These people who were awake to find out the result of the US presidential elections, had never shown such an interest in the Lok Sabha elections in India. So what was so interesting about the US elections. I and a financial enthusiast and am on top of everything that happens in the financial markets. Even for me, I couldn't yet find out what was the importance of that election and what was the impact of that election on India. Strange but, true.
When I saw a group of housekeeping staff in my office glued to the huge television set in the office lounge watching the news, I wondered what they were interested in. So I asked one of them, "What is happening out here?". He in a very polite tone replied, "Sir, Osama in contesting elections in America. We want to see if he wins". I just couldn't stop laughing.
So reasons known or, unknown, the US influences every country in the world. Be it the financial breakdown and crisis or, the Presidential elections.
The question still remains, if the Presidential elections has any influence on India. But one thing is for sure, Obama will have an influence. If not on India, at least on a few Indians. As I watched the victory speech of the President elect, not once did I blink my eyes. His speech was so enthralling. The way he kept using "America" and "Yes we can", throughout his speech made me think of the petty politicians like Raj Thackeray and Laloo Yadav, who have still not been able to come out of their Maharashtras and Bihars. Barack Obama's speech at least gave me a reason to respect him. Oh! India only if there was one politician in India who had even 10% of passion that Barack Obama showed, we would have been much better that "America". But alas!!
I should conclude saying, "Yes, Obama".
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