As I wrote the last post about the increasing terror attacks in India and the Congress Governments failure in curbing it, little did I knew that, in a couple of days I would be writing about the biggest terror attack ever to happen in India. This time round the attack was so open as if it felt that the terrorists were throwing an open challenge mocking at us and our security systems. The way in which they have launched this attack killing more than 132 people in the process and a few able security personnel, they made a mockery of the security system.
Our honorable Prime Minister was again seen on television, with the same old statements, issuing warning to the neighboring countries who he assumes to have a part in the terror attacks. It is been long that we have been hearing to such statements, Mr. Prime Minister and the consequence is that we have seen the highest number of attacks this year and the highest number of casualties. Our honorable politicians would be considering this attack a blessing in disguise, because they would now have something to talk about as an agenda to their election campaigning. But what is the fate of we civilians.

As we leave our houses to go to work or, spend some time out, we don't even know if we would come back home. How would we, with terrorists roaming on the streets, shooting people at will? Does the Prime Minister have an answer to it? Can he guarantee a safe return for us and our families.
A peek into the terror attacks in the Taj Hotel and Trident Oberoi hotel in Mumbai would show the kind of seriousness that this government has shown towards curbing terrorism. Our ministers keep saying that it is the neighboring country which is sending in infiltrators. If they are so sure about this then why is it that they are unable to find a permanent solution to it. Instead of doing this, they drop open our gates to Samjhauta Expresses and Trains, and in the process kill innocent civilians from both the countries who would never even have thought of the fate awaiting them.

Will there be an end to this? Why is it that we as the citizens boycott the elections this time round and hold these corrupt politicians at ransom till they provide us with a solution to this?
That's enough now, My Minister, that is enough!!!
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