It was a very funny way of protesting. The government had declared a hike in fuel prices a day back and as always the opposition had to oppose it. It was indeed their birth right to do so and by the very meaning of their name - Opposition, they had to oppose it. What is funny here is the fact that the opposition in this democracy has only one reason to oppose. That is to pull the government down so that they can call for a mid-term election and hope that they would come to power this time round.

Now for the actual story. So the ministers in one of these states which was being ruled by the opposition party decided to protest the fuel price hike. These ministers lead by the chief minister decided that they would cycle their way to the state secreteriat. The healthy and fit chief minister rode the bicycle and kept his commitment. But there were quite a few ministers from his cabinet who were not that unfit. They started off with quite a bit of excitement but later realized that "Hard-Work" is not meant for them and that they would die without that air-conditioned cars that they normally travel to office in. This gives me a reason to wonder how these ministers would understand the pain faced by the common man.
So what started off as a protest finally ended as a protest to the protest. The fizz was to such an extent that the Panchayat and rural development minister Rustom Singh got off his bicycle and complained: "What will be the outcome of this? Nothing will come out of us riding bicycles." He started walking with his cycle.
The bicycle ride became a painful ride for the security personnel who had to push the bicycles that the ministers were riding.
Why did you have to do something that you were not capable off, my dear ministers? But if you decided you want to do it, probably you are right because you can never be wrong. Yes, My Minister.
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