What was the reason for this Verdict in the Election 2009?


Posted by R Dilip Kumar | 9:56 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

This blog is about politics - when I say politics, I do not intend to contest an election and become a politician one day. But "Yes My Minister" is about everything that a politician is about. If you wish to spend some time watching humor, you would not have to choose the television. Just pick a politician of your choice and carefully listen and observe everything that he does. Your humor recipe is ready. This very politician of yours could also serve you the daily dose of action packed drama and horror.
So why would you want to fall back onto something else when you have this one, all-in-one entertainment channel called the 'politician' at your own service.
So my blog is about politics. Now if you ask, Why Politics? I would have only one answer to it. Because this is the only place where my frustration has to be contained within myself. So I thought why not vent it here and thus give a chance to a few of my friends also to do the same.
So here I start by saying "Yes My Minister".

