This is not a story that I am about to narrate. This is one of our dear minister from Karnataka, Mr. H.D.Deve Gowda, who also fell in love with the chair - the chair of power and chief minister ship.

This dear minister of ours was once the prime minister of India. So that would make anyone think, if he can stoop to such low levels. yes, he can because he is just another minister who wanted to make use of the chair of Prime Minister to the best possible effect but had to step down prematurely because the hand that rocked the cradle of the coalition governement then, decided to stop rocking the cradle.
So our dear minister, having lost the powerful chair without really exploiting it to the fullest had to go back to his hometown from where he had started. He had actually held another powerful post (and consequently the chair) in this very own state of his for some time before he chose to leap to the even powerful chair. But this time when he came back he was even more powerful and became the King-maker in the state, probably because nobody pushed him or, recommended him for the chief minister's post, or, so I thought. But the truth was that the intelligent minister had plans of bringing his next generation - his son, into the business of politics. So he did. He finally made his son a chief minister.
It was then that he realized that his son was not very powerful so he played a smart game of chess, by suspending his son from the party and then helping him make a coalition with another party - the BJP, and then came the climax. H.D.Deve Gowda, pulled back his hands and the party that jumped into the well assuming this "Chair Minister" would hold them, fell into the well with a loud thump.
Now after a few months the assembly elections happened and our dear wanted-to-be-chief minister found that he and his party was routed and thwarted by the public. Alas! the "Chair minister" is now without a chair. Poor H.D.Deve Gowda.
"Sir, you said you now want any chair - be it a wooden or, iron one.Oh! I understand".
"Yes Minister".
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